Master Class – Introduction to Substance Painter :: Frameboxx 2.0

Master Class – Introduction to Substance Painter

 10 Apr 2021  2020
Master Class – Introduction to Substance Painter

Whether you are a professional or a student you must be listening to a lot about hyper-realistic texturing. Whether you are creating Assets for Games, Films and Digital artwork, Substance Painter eases your work due to its well-organized pipeline which is compatible with most of the 3D software and engines.

Smart material, Smart masks, baking systems along, with powerful real-time rendering are some of the features which make this software different from other available solutions.

If you are curious to know how to start working on Substance Painter, then this webinar is for you.

Get a first-hand experience of:
1. Concepts of real-time 3D Texturing
2. Why is it better than the traditional processes?
3. Introduction to Substance Painter
4. How to start texturing in Substance Painter?
5. Concepts of PBR and PBS
6. Concepts of Baking
and many more ….

Speaker: Our Master Trainer Mr. Vishal Kawji is General Manager Technical at Frameboxx. He has over 15 years of experience in the field of Animation and Games. For the past few years, he has been associated with a few national and international organizations, consulting on Interactive Technologies For Augmented and Virtual reality.

Portfolio link:
Catch Me on Apple Podcast:–Founder–Polyphonic-Consultancy-e9v75u/a-a18pcjd

The webinar is followed by a live Q&A session. Don’t miss this opportunity.

The schedule is as follows.

  • Date: 10th April, Saturday, 2021
  • Time: 4.00 pm onwards

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